Sunday, January 6, 2008

Irresistible home-based business offer and questions for you!

Please share the following questions with your
loved ones and friends as a check list to use
when they are offered an irresistible deal!

These questions based on my business
experience will help prevent people from
falling into scams and money games.

Here's are 10 important questions to ask
if you are offered an irresistible deal.

1. Is there integrity in the irresistible deal? If you
are not sure, get a second or third opinion from
successful and wise people whom you respect.
(If five successful and intelligent friends tell
you they smell a rat, most probably it is a rat!)
2. Is it within the realm of reality and possibility
to you?
3. Can you make an intelligent decision after
hearing and seeing all the facts presented to you?
4. Can you afford the start up cost and monthly
operating cost and it will not cause emotional,
physical and financial stress to you?
5. Will you get the support and guidance to achieve
the results you want?
6. Can you trust the person or organization that is
offering you the irresistible deal? (do your due diligence
and check their track record)
7. Will anyone get hurt physically, emotionally
and financially in this program?
8. Is it simple, duplicatable and profitable?
9. Am I comfortable with the start up cost,
break even time and ROI (Return on Investment)
10. Am I excited about this program and see its
value of making a positive difference to people's lives?

I've developed an irresistible program for
for you to create a lifetime residual income
whether it is offline or online.

It is definitely not a lazy man way to riches,
it requires commitment of time, money and effort.

It is a get rich at you own pace and commitment
program leveraging on my 14 years of home-based
business experience and $70,000 investment
in personal development and business education.

Here's the irresistible deal:

Attend my free seminar on how to make
money offline and online to create a lifetime
residual income. You will learn how to start
an offline or online home-based business
program for less than $500.

If it makes good business sense to you
to invest in the program, you will get $873 worth
of online support plus 12-month home-based
business coaching worth $2,500, which is
a good deal isn't it?

Call me at 98565007 if you are interested
to attend the free business seminar or just
want to have a mastermind session with me.

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